How to Prevent Premature Aging of Your Face

External factors from your lifestyle and environment play a huge role in how quickly your face begins to show the signs of your age. Here are some of the top contributing factors to premature aging of your face, along with how to avoid them and keep your skin looking young longer.
1.Smoking. Exposure to cigarette smoke, whether from your own smoke or second-hand, will increase wrinkling and dryness of the skin. This is partly because smoking depletes your body’s vitamin C, which is necessary for young-looking skin. Some researchers even say that cigarette smoke is just as bad for your skin as ultraviolet rays from the sun.
2. Sun Exposure. Too much exposure to the sun is well known to cause wrinkling, premature aging and even cancer of the skin. You may develop brown sunspots or the skin can take on a dry, leathery appearance. While some researchers are now pointing out that some sensible sun exposure can indeed be healthy, to protect your face you should:
Wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, year-round.
Avoid exposing your face to the sun during its strongest hours, from about 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses when you’re out in the sun for an extended period of time.
3. Poor Diet. A poor diet is a source of facial aging (and overall aging) from the inside out. Without the proper fuel, your body does not have the nutrients it needs to even function properly, let alone devote to keeping your skin firm, moist and blemish-free. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, will provide you with plenty of antioxidants that will help to protect your skin and overall health.
4. Not Enough Exercise. Exercise tones muscles and helps promote blood flow — necessary for healthy skin and body.
5. Too Much Stress. Anyone who’s been through an extremely stressful event knows how it seems to show up all over your body, including on your face in dark circles under your eyes, dull skin and new wrinkles. Managing your stress, along with getting enough sleep, is key to retaining a youthful face.
6. Exposure to Cold. If you’re outside in the elements — cold temperatures, wind, etc. — your face will show it. Too much cold can easily suck the moisture right out of your face, leading to dry, irritated patches. To prevent this, protect your face with a scarf when you’re outside and invest in a natural facial
7. Excess Alcohol. Over time, alcohol can permanently damage blood vessels in the skin, causing you to appear flushed. Broken blood vessels may also appear near your skin’s surface. Not sure how much alcohol is too much? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define heavy drinking as more than one drink a day for women and more than two drinks a day for men.
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